a re-post of my old blog page of May 2007 to this new blog page just in case it disappear into thin air..
http://aaronmoseskimbins.blog.friendster.com/2007/05/did-i-seduce-her/DID I SEDUCE HER ?
You might think today that you have found the best woman or man in the world.Our conversation that morning was about love, but it was also about football.
Location(Bar).. Time( late April). How long have you been an Inter Milan supporter? I asked Chef Mario, me lightly sipping my latte macchiato (milk with just a spalsh fo coffee) but served in a large cup and hot so that it could be drunk slowly instead fo being thrown down the throat in a couple of quick gulps in the italian manner. "All my life I’ve been and Interista supporter." said him, " Yet Aaron, how can you support AC Milan at the same time also a life supporter of Manchester United?" as he tapped my back!
Chef Vincenzo still unable to accept the humiliating defeat of Roma at old Trafford(Man U.)last april.. score(7-1) , who untill now had taken no part in our argument mumured," I’m sleeping with the most beautiful girl in Milan". His statement drew no comments having blessed with good looks that would simply make girls throw themselves over him.
Mario, who recently became engaged , was being scolded by Vincenzo , to whom the idea of restricting one self to just one woman seemed crazy. Then he said to me, "You aren’t even faithfull to any football team!!(I also support Liverpool, Chelsea, Inter Milan and Juventus, not forgetting Sabah Rhinos). "it’s not like swicthing girls whenever you want". I was silent for a moment, knowing deep down inside, i have made my choice to someday wait for my true love and will be loyal to her, unlike most Italian men. (Dont worry Sandra and Mimie..you can trust your Italian chef husbands.. just keep a tight leash.) kidding..
But there was no point of turning a friendly discussion about woman into a deadly fight. They respected my commitment and ambition and said nothing.. But our amiable conversation was interuptted by the bartender. He made them bet that I was a coward and can’t seduce girls (like them) , of course I hesistated and had to accept their challenge before I called a final coffee to start off our day at work.
She’s comin over, busy as usual, I was disturbed by shouts coming from the bar. I saw a girl fortunate enough to be brunette and very attractive, I allowed myself to be guided by more experience collegues and did as told lah!! She had revealed her origins as much by what she had ordered as by her accent. " Un cappuccino per favore?". she was undisputably Spanish..! she had not ordered anything else and reached out for the ‘moda magazine’ lined on the bar.. as always we tried to look as handsome as possible but of course she ignored.. Catzo! It just made my attempt to prove my uncowardness and un-shyness somehow to the guys.., to be true..
She’s the one they chose, too late to retreat as I was already forcefully straped to a waiter apron, pretending to be one, pushed towards her table to get her phone number. ( Swear I’ve never done this before) Just as she was pullling out the Milan city map off her back pack and arranging her slim legs over the next chair along, I then came to realised how foolish and stupid of me to take up their challenge proving that I can seduce any girls of their pick. There I was statued eyed to eyed, I knew I had to ask her number but what came out of my mouth was the part that would never ever even cross any Tibetan’s monks’s mind.., I with my sexy-but-trembling voice simply told her that it’s and offence in Milan to put legs on other chairs expecially a centre part of her red dotted panty was widely exposed .(Happens occasionally usually leaving some build-up imagination on genuine male dining crews.. so does exagerated exposure of clevage.. )
That following afternoon, affter lunchtime masacre,I instructed my assisstant to be quick to get some stock in a nearby supermercato, afraid that he’ll wander off again, I decided to accompany him, we marched straight to the back of the supermarket to get what we needed just as I caught a glimpse of a girl perfect as any men’s dream of a Latina
women would be, a female beauty.., she was reaching up to the top shelf for a packet of pasta exposing a band of tout stomach.. "Dai, what are you waiting for?"." Vai ! go get her number!" insisted Mario, I reached up, got the packet for her and handed it to her with my ‘controling-so rarely smiling face, then realised I had seen her somewhere before. "Gracias" she smiled , eyes hidden under her Gucci shades. I remember now! The same ‘chicca Spanish’ girl earlier at the restaurant. I also remembered her saying.., "Che ridiculoso" . when told to lower her legs from the chair that morning. It was my opportunity.."Spaghetti?" . I said, glancing at the packet in her hand." And what sauce are you preparing with that?". Bolognese forse" she replied. " No! non puo ( you cant), firstly" i said, " You’re not in Bologna province, secondly because of what you have in your hand" as I pointed out reasonably. Seeing my expression she said. "Spaghetti Bolognese (pronouce as BOLONYESE) not a good combination is it?". " Well, Ragu Bolognese is a sauce that goes better with pasta such as tortellini, gnocchi, or taglietelle, but if you dont want spaghetti, you could also have vermicelli or linguine, fettucine or rigatoni, fussili or conchiglie, maccheroni , garganelli,parpadelle or tagliolini, BUT!" as i warned holding up a finger, " Each of them demands a different kind of sauce, for example, an oily sauce goes with dried pasta, but a butter sauce goes better with a fresh pasta.Take ‘fusilli’ pasta" holding up a packet to show her. "People say this pasta was designed by Leornado Da Vinci himself, you see the spiral fins carry the biggest amount of sauce to the surface area, but it only works with a thick , heavy sauce that cling to the grooves.., Conchiglie(siput shape) is like a shell, so it holds a thin, liquid sauce inside it percfectly" .(yes i know guys, i must have said too much for our first encounter,, yeah.. not a good flirting line right?.. so what should i say then! " shall we date"..)
"Can I ask you, what simple sauce would you suggest that goes with spaghetti since I dont do alot of cooking?" .."Beh, as simple as Spaghetti ‘Aglio Olio’.! , .First slice thinly as you can some clove of garlics and fry untill it goes soft (not brown) in some good olive oil, add some dried chili flakes, meanwhile boil the pasta in salted water, drain and tip it into the frying pan to fry for a minute, serve with salt, pepper and a lot of grated pecorino romano or parmesan cheese.." " Are you a chef?". she asked,… " Andiamo Aaron!.. let’s go!" . my assistant was already calling me ,grabbing me hard over my shouder pulling my nervous ass away since we were alreary late, just as I was about to answer her back. On our way back to the restaurant I couldn’t even believe that I didn’t got her name and her number.." CATZO!"
2nd attempt failed!!
Location(Home).Time(a week later)
It was my day off, normally spent glued to my mini home office tuned to two televisions at the same time, the other is in the kitchen, while stratergy’ing my next move to beat my ‘Ages of Empire III’ pc game record, guitar always clipped under my armpit. Fine spring morning looking up at the ‘azzurro sky from my window. Dengan segera, I unboxed my spring clothing after 6 months of body mummified-cocconed under piles of fabrics, I finally got to slide into one of my favourite bermuda and short sleeve tees. Biked off bullet-speeding like an over joyously boy who as if has just received his first x’mas bicycle.. Fresh alps wind blowing freely now-my-waist-long hair attracting eyes of curious lookers..Arrived at my destination within minutes, double chained my bike.
Location(Tamu-spring food festival)Time (sat noon)
I began my exploration, conquest and discovery, worm-walking in the zig-zag streets lined with stalls selling,displaying,exhibitioning their so longingly-proudly-treasured possesions to the thousands of seemed lost-pale-untanned skin orang putih wrigling and squezing through crowds stopping particularly in every squares joining circle of enthuasists people to take interest at some strangely looking rainbowed costumed yet soo talented soloist or pairs of maestro musicians performing, capturing and hypnotizing every spectators just to get away with
appreciations of claps, begging your pocket for some clinking reamains of fast food change in hats pushed gently around, demanding and expecting money drops..
so I advice you to never take front row.. keep in mind. They’ll just pity-face-smile till you drop a little change and go to the next one.(memaksa orang)!!
I love to walk around Milan center square, not far from where I work but what I loved the most is the tight narrow streets, cobbles lanes, barely wide enough to accomodate the Italian miniaturised cars. The little Macelleria Roberto ( butcher shop) stood shoulder to shoulder with a shop selling world war II junks from medals
to military socks, while the grandly named ‘ Sergio Tachini’ was a door crammed between a sexy shop and a chinese shop selling all you want. A Turkish kebab stand stood cheek to cheek
with a 500 year old church. Flower blooming trees now compete with mushrooming outdoor-open caffes and restaurants for every inch of sunlight
giving away a strong smell of fresh coffe and hot fire wood pizza. In the squares and open spaces, battered cars were parked in random chaos, like frozen traffic snurl-ups from which seemed the drivers had simply walked away.
After an hour or so wandering around the stalls, I stoppped! Heart in my mouth, there she stood in front of the antiques displays, she was wearing a flowerish sunflower top, beneath her swirl of brunette were orange-red dotted freckles on her shoulders. For a moment I thought I was hallucinating, I frozed. "I will talk to her , I’ll get her number and name" yeah..after weeks of proving to the guys my masculine(I gave up actually) I made up my mind, I cat-walked towards her, But I was just a moment too late, she turned and walked away. I watched her disappear. Just like that , she was gone, vanished into the thick air..
3rd attempt failed!!
"NO" i said, "I’ve got to, but what if she already has a boyfriend? A lover in fact ? What if she’ll just ignore me and wont like me? A girl like that well never be single"!!… So I gave chase, just as I was about to loose hope, there she was again, on the other side of the street at the grocery stall. I moved closer enough beside her pretended to see the displays of freshly picked vegetables and fruits. By the way she looked soo hungrily at the piles of unfamiliar vegetables had given me some sort of idea of what to do next.. So I brushed past her for cherry tomatoes, "excuse me" I mumbled, and she stood back to let me pass..("damm,she didnt see me") I then even move much closer to see what she had in her shopping bags("she still hasnt notice me"). So this time .. in the end I then went straight as far as walking up to her and saying, "Buongiorno" but the moment she turned to me with those wonderful green eyes lighting up with interest as she waited to see what I would say next, I lost my nerve!! "Help! Help! stalker!" she cried.. (No I’m just kiding..) "Ciao remember me at the supermarket?" "of course" she said. " I thought I’d never see you again, I tried the recipe you gave me but i’m not sure if it went well" . After getting her name and number I then asked if she’d like me to cook her something over at my place..
Location(home) Time(folowing day..sunday)
"What will I cook her?" ."hmm" well I thought.. to make her horny and to make her fall in love are two very different things. If I want to make her cry, i’ll give her an onion chop. But if I want to make her feel sad, i’ll cook her the dish her mother used to cook for her when she was small. And to make her horny..beh! That’s even harder than crying, but certainly not impossible.. The food that I’m, allergic to.. Seafood of course!! Which has aphrodisiac qualities. Perhaps some baby artichokes, cooked with mint pulled apart with fingers and dipped in soft melted butter, wine obviously, and then to finish, a burst of sugar, something light but artificial, so that she’ll feel full of energy and happiness,, but that’s only one side of the story. If I wanted her to fall in love with me, I would cook her something different, something perfectly simple but intense , something that shows I understand her very soul, then another difficult part, it varies from individual to individual, I ‘d have to really know the person concerned, her history, her background, whether she is raw or refined, dry or oily, I would have to taste her, know whether her own flesh is sweet or savoury, salty or bland. In short, I would have to love her and then, I might not truly know her well enough to cook a dish that would capture her heart..
So strings of ideas now starts filling my head.They say this time round, you could find a variety of garden greens, region exclusive, heavenly flavours of resurgence,renewed,old flavours, restated with tenderness and delicacy, just as they had been in every spring since time began. Opportunities like this, a theme of fashion menu began to flood my mind. A special meal for her tonight.
Location( food market fest) Time ( sun morning)
Milan’s main food market , a spring feast in which everyone spoke of the whole year, it was a time of celebration, of youth, of life, of triumphat that must be seized and celebrated together beramai-ramai. Looking around the main food market, seeing what was available, listening to competing shouts of stall holders and letting an idea seasoned delicacies sink into my mind. The artichokes were good at the moment, a variety of articholes, so sweet and tender it could even be eaten raw. "A local bitter chicory, would make such heavenly sallad". I also found a rare ‘Torre Ercolano’ , a wine that combined Merlot with the local cesanese grape. I bought a bottle of oil that came straight from tiny estate freshly pressed, whose green youthful flavours tasted like a bowl of olive just off the tree. I hesitated before a stall of outrageously expensive full fat white asparagus, but worth it for such good quality, I decided to take it, stall holder quickly wrapped a dozen of it in damp paper like a flourish bouquet of finest flowers.
At the end of my tour at the market, a strong easy smell, a scent of cheese captured my attention as I inhaled-doggily-sniffing, ‘Ricotta cheese!’ It was soo perfect, but I didnt really need any more food, I took it anyway for I knew I would find a place for it somewhere in the meal, perhaps served as a dessert with a dusting of cinnamon and a dab of sweet honey..
So I spend whole afternoon preparing the food and then cleaned up my appartment, it’s seven pm… I leave the rest up to your imagination.. details only if you bother to know.. i’ll message u then.. ciao guys.. thanks for your patience.. panjangkan cerita?
Well I hope with this blog , I could shut some of you guys always asking me bout where ’s my orang putih girlfriend.. well.. nah!! there you go.. but this was old story.. now i’ve got a new story.. wonder what? who? keep guessing guys.. meow..
May 31st, 2007 at 10:57 am
WHOA! What a story… So whats the outcome? :-p Ever considered to write romantic short stories? hehe…
June 1st, 2007 at 3:38 am
ciao Dinoza, i’d rather write comedies.. am not romantic anyway!! so you.. bila kahwin? Amy cant wait any longer you know..
June 3rd, 2007 at 1:09 am
LoL. CBTLSg Wang now. Enjoying my cup of grande belgian ice blendedand a slice of german cheese cake. Background music: Roxete “It must have been love”. Wu huuu.. jiwang.
ciao bella
You may want to consider short novel writing. Cool stuff u wrote. I can feel it man..
June 3rd, 2007 at 5:28 pm
huh!! so jiwang and please…make ur letters bigger..susah mau baca..if u want to write short suspense story….not like this..no ending..pingsannnn..but i know…she left oredi…tourist mah…kakakakka..but if u write more like this…ricardo also want to join the gang nanti…hihi…
June 4th, 2007 at 3:54 am
ciao ricardo!! its not fair you get to go back every 3 months!! but dont forget to get me some nescafe mate and maggie curry b4 coming back here ok?..
ciao mc rae!! so you wanna know what happened? i ‘ll message you.. lax getting merried next feb in spore.. he just told me!! got white hair somemore!! i wanna get married too..bored of single life..
June 4th, 2007 at 7:05 am
huahah…nice story, very interesting to read.But your font is too small, bikin mata sakit. I was really really serious to read it. Scroll down ..read again..what happen next…waah …scroll down again…..eeeeeeeeeh the ending is LIKE THAT!!!! ALAMAK..bikin marah….do you want to tell or not to tell???
Your sister told me…next time read the ending first…hmmm maybe it’s a good idea (why you told me AFTER I read the whole blog, McRae…)
btw if you want to be retire as a chef you can consider to be a writer. :D:D
PS: dimana bisa beli tight leash for our husband?ada jual ya di Milan? hehehe
June 4th, 2007 at 9:31 am
ciao mia amica signora Sandra da Jakarta ma adesso in KK.ok ill enlarge it.. you really want a leash? hmmm.. its called L.O.V.E. buona fortuna!!hai sentito gia da mimie?
June 4th, 2007 at 3:49 pm
No, no don’t call me signora…PANTANG!!! Feel like old Italian Mamma with white apron and big body making pasta in the kitchen..hehe
Mimi will be in Italy on the 21-22 June.
June 5th, 2007 at 3:40 am
mmmmm…niiiiiiice story.;)
June 5th, 2007 at 5:00 pm
ish… apala terjadi???? sakit jantung oh!!!
June 7th, 2007 at 5:38 am
aahhh babi….and then? apalah?? details please….eeeee…macam series pula…so….last last?? end up together or not…
June 7th, 2007 at 5:03 pm
iya… and they live happily ever after…
June 8th, 2007 at 2:04 am
After that ehhhh???
June 21st, 2007 at 7:58 pm
Question is, did you get LAID??? It seems that’s the masculine thing to do over there lol. Conquering women, luring them into your lair, seduce ‘em, have your way and then buh bye!! lol Just don’t break too many hearts there
June 22nd, 2007 at 2:17 am
zie..what’s the secret to long distance love?hmm..well it worked for you..we’ll see how mine goes..
June 22nd, 2007 at 10:26 am
The most sensible thing to do as to how far my dirty imagination would’ve brought me to was as correctly indicated by zie as getting ‘laid’, tsk tsk how dirty. But as full respect to the author, the readers would have to expand their feeling as described by Ricardo of your great story and figure out what actually happened…same thing i’m feeling what goes next with my sambal belacan recipe. Waiting for your next publication!
June 22nd, 2007 at 1:07 pm
Secret to any long distance relationship, romantic of friendly wise is trust and understanding, and don’t freaking bullshit too much lol!! The other key ingredient would be patience. You have to be sabar like gila oi! In response to the dirty mind comment from nestor , lol puhlease lah, I just have more balls to actually SAY it lol!!! Get over it, we’re adults not 5. BTW aaron, your profile tuakr to married already ah? Had a shot gun wedding ah? lol