this is a re-post from my old blog written on 22nd of May 2007.
By nature, men and woman aren't made for each other..hmmm. Perhaps right now you are wondering, what's Aaron thinking about? What's he got in his mind again? Well, for a decade I have been studying how women's and men's brain work with and against each other in a "so whatever" relationship they get their self into..
From the first blush of romance, all the way through to lifelong partnership, understanding the behavioral differences involved can be the key to making love last a lifetime.When two hearts come together, their brains begin to "fall in love". The couple's brain chemicals signals that work through their senses, are very high, so when they smell of each other or look into each other's eyes, their male and female minds become like one. High levels of "bonding hormone" may start to develop.New biological stage of the relationship begins.
I'd like to send my best congratulations to my two cousins who'll be getting married soon."cousin Jacintha Steven Kutai this Oct 27th, and cousin 'LV.Nestor Bobbey Suan' a little later.. and to my very best friend since zaman kanak kanak..,'Dr Laxmanath Raj @khanaboy', next February. Studying how their three very different approaches form early courting to soon walking down the altar..,old romance..long romance..and new romance.. don't matter how long they've been together, love has brought them to be close, to marriage and to be one.
True love, everlasting love, love, love, love, love!!! Is it only love? or the need to be with each other ? Together? What is love? To me love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get,but It's what you are expected to give !!... which is..? EVERYTHING !! Men always want to be a woman's first love.. women like to be a man's last romance..
Most lovers meet during first sight..begins with an exchange of smile in passing or a brief conversation, then fancy dinners, endless midnight calls,, escaping to some nearby romantic holiday spots...goes on and on.. Theses are most commonly 'heard of' on how a relationship could actually begin. But can there be actual real love .. let's say like in a virtual world, or in a world where two hearts meet not in a traditional way (like face to face) but through a distance of two worlds connected by.. what esle?.. Fiber optical cables transmitting speed of light information straight from your PC to every blunt corners of the world .. and one of these millions per minute informations, electronic mails, messages sent or received could be your 'jackpot'..your answer to your long forgotten prayers in finding your true love.. No coincidence here, but fate .. destiny.. you'll never know. . Bah .. so those of you who's still single out there or had given up hope (i'm one of those) in finding your soul mate,, you'd better start sitting your butt down and turn on that pc and go soul searching.. surfing the net..cast your net.. am sure you'll always get a fish.. .Yeah.. some might say.. it's like looking for a needle in the ocean depth..(worser than in haystacks right?) But still, if you thought that you've finally found one, there are always some things to consider, they'll be doubts for sure, you begin to ask yourself, "will it work ?" That's the biggest question !! hmmm. You may not actually be looking but prefer just making new friends to 'whomsoever' around the world.. Getting to know someone, learning bout their country, cultures, languages... etc and more about this new virtual-online friend might somehow grow into some kind of an online romance... but how far will it go ? He or she may not be your dream type at first.. but has the qualities and the type of character you always want in a person.. Now that's what I call."LOVE IS BLIND" !!
Well, I don't know whether such online romance could actually work or long distance romance especially both the lovers haven't even met eye to eye yet could even last till... only God knows.. when and how..
Sometimes what we want is not what we need. But what's needed, is never what we want.. (attention guys!! cari yang betul betul.. this is about the person you'll be spending with for the rest of your remaining God help us all) Either these lovers meet during first sight or online, apart from having the trust, loyalty and patience, most importantly is that these lovers never lost their desire to be together which is the secret to long everlasting romance.. Love one another.. remember again.. Love is not what to expect, but what you can give for love.. Bilalah saya boleh kahwin ni? I'm getting older.. who wants an old man anyway ? By the way my friends.. i've changed my friendster status to ' MARRIED' so this will stop some from asking me.. "bila lah mau kahwin? "hmm..tunggu sahajalah.. hari itu akan tiba juga.. caught a fish already.. hehehe..
June 22nd, 2007 at 1:29 pm
Caught a fish huh? Congratulations, lets see if you can keep her alive in your tank of life!
It seems to me that the beginning and the end of relationships that comes so easily, the middle part, that’s the tough part, keeping it interesting and alive. I guess for me, being experienced in this type of situation (I met my husband online and only met him after two years knowing him online, and married him a year after that, and we’re celebrating our 10th year anniversary next year). You have to think of your happiness, will she make you happy? will you make her happy? Don’t get me wrong, with love comes misery too! Sometimes, heart wrenching pain type of misery, but if your love is strong, it’ll overcome that. The other thing I can give advice on is that, embrace the good AND the bad in the one you love, nobody is perfect, including you.
June 22nd, 2007 at 7:49 pm
June 23rd, 2007 at 2:11 am
As always I always found that so far you have the most interesting blog on my friendster list, Ever! even tough you are not officially my fren (yet) as we haven’t meet in person hehehe.hmm love? marriage? that is tricky.
One thing I always believe is, when you less expect it to happen it will happen.(in a good way)
and on dating, first date , romance u know, the first six month of relationship , we do not send our self out there to meet our new crush! it is our “representative” then ..SURPRISE!!! after time pass by, the real US come out and reveal our true colors! That why some marriage doesnt survive. Well for you…relax bah… you are a man , no body bother if you marry late. For a woman YES….but for man…so what…let it be,enjoy your FREEDOM. Find a perfect woman (well ehm there is no perfect woman/man btw )Even when you are older you can still marry a young 20 year old hottie! so…relax and think…who ever that will find me…she is lucky…:D:D:D:D:D.
oh btw my hubby used to said to his amici that he wont get marry EVER! hhahaa…hope he didn’t regret lah to marry me /:D in such a young age for man.
June 23rd, 2007 at 6:15 am
what? a fish? hey i thought she is a gatto? a felino?a mermaid?hehe.but hey, now that i know there is no long distance about LOVE, it always finds a way to bring two hearts to be together, no matter how many miles are between them…………………..
June 24th, 2007 at 7:58 am
yeah, i was like u too,only mine was way back 14 yrs ago. When the hp was 1st introduced to Kaykay (so u know how BIG is the “Tai-Ko-Tai” tat time ) and of course,internet was like…was net ah?
. So,we used the ogyginal 1 lor…..snail mail….. after writing for some time,then v decided to meet ……. for a badminton match! (so much of romance huh…) v didn’t stop after meet up,still continue writing…..writing….writing (boringnya!dunno wat we’ve been wrting bout) anyway, long story cut short, after 11 years of coupling…we got married, itu pun bukan we yg suggest. So til now la… After married, then realised,ops! macam ada lain sikit oh cara kehidupan kami…..dunno sud said sikit,banyak o sedang-sedang??? well,eventhough ada kelainannya,hav to luk on his kesamaannya with mine lo, so tat can live together sampai selama yg boleh lor. Really, even known each other for a decade but when it comes to staying and actually sharing responsibilitis……tidak sama sekali! I sokong 110% on staying together before married wound be gud 4 both couple. think bout it,anyway,good luck!
June 24th, 2007 at 8:57 pm
Hmmmm….. Serious? Or still playing?
June 25th, 2007 at 5:36 pm
caught a fish oridi aaron? thats gr8!..thers no long distance about love. bah..i agree with bilang jauh di mata dekat di hati. gud luck!
June 26th, 2007 at 7:24 am
ciao girls or laddies.. your first blog. guess u shud start getting serious into writing too.. i know u like kid stories.. when u and i are both back in malaysia, hope we cud sit down and talk more..know we havent met yet but that cud be arrange right?
Signorina Sandra..come stai? hope when im back in kk, you’ll still be there.. u too i havent met’s the miabambina business doin?
KimmeLiz.. sumandak KB.. even u, i havent met yet.. someday ok..
Catwoman.. this i cant wait for us to meet for the first time..hmm..patience is the key..
StaNlitha.. serious or playing? well. am a little older now and no more a small boy… i could get serious and of course playing at the same time tooo.. eheh..
Fressi.. we both too havent met yet.. hopefully when im in back.. i’ll give u a knock at your door.. my nieces doin?
why dont all or you make friends with each other..? its just a click of a button.. i can.. why not you.. make friends u might catch another fish again hehehe.. but not me.. i got myself a sea godess… ciao..
June 27th, 2007 at 12:31 am
I’m game for new friends!! lol. It would be a pleasure to meet you one day! Alas, it won’t be in Malaysia. You’re more than welcome to come over to the States and we’ll tunjuk you around! Good luck with the sea goddess
I hope you got Neptune’s blessing to court his daughter…;) Wouldn’t want that magical “pitchfork” up somewhere it hurts do we now? lol Ok, that’s an ugly and painful vision!
July 1st, 2007 at 11:03 pm
err…please beware of long distance relationship cos the other party might only want us to see want we should see and hear and not want you want to see…so…hmm..ape ape aje la!!(kasih senang hati…go ahead lar!!)
July 2nd, 2007 at 5:23 am
just wait and see mcrae..not meaning to say here kasih senang my hati ok..and just go ahea with whatever i want… hmmm next time dont wanna say anythin anymore!!!!…come voui tu sorella!!
July 3rd, 2007 at 8:06 am
ok..all the best in your holidays!! ;p
July 24th, 2007 at 4:11 am
Hello my friend.
yes, it’s me. Haven’t been to your blog for a long time now. You seems very happy there. It would be a great honor to witness another friend like you tie the knot you know. haha.. bila lagi? Everyone is asking the same question huh? Yeah, it happened all the time. Who’s your girlfriend? Bila mau kahwin? i assume that you’re courting someone already.. so it’s just a matter of time for you to answer your own question ‘Should i get married?’ Good luck to you.
Hope you have a happy love life.
July 31st, 2007 at 11:36 am
you’re not the only one Aaron & whoever get the same lame question…”bila mau kawin..” i’m in a 9yrs relationship.. belum kawin kawin lagi ni..hehehe…but i’m cool w it..sometimes terfikir juga la just because everybody having babies…they are everywhere U know…U know I know’s true what U said… LOVE IS NOT WHAT TO EXPECT, BUT WHAT U CAN GIVE FOR LOVE. hmmmm….in those 9yrs, been thru alot of kind of world war 6th or i think 10th. haha…but after awhile..we’re (CJ & I) back to basic…it’s easier to forgive each other (not forget la…) but U know where to turn to when same situation comes…give and take la..oh well, hope & pray for the best…whatever it is…sama2 ka or not…I dunno la…still up to Him right…see la how….so…sepa la?? wahh….if u’re serious..wepeee…if u main main only….memang kebret la lu…bah okla…
August 6th, 2007 at 9:53 am
bah kawin sjla.. ur name is part of hers already.. hmm.. apa lagi..
August 23rd, 2007 at 1:10 am
Ehh… i didn’t know you and Lux are romantically link to each other… hehehehe
August 23rd, 2007 at 3:08 am
hey guntarek… pelease ok.. si Dr lax is getting married next feb and to a woman of course..sorry to say but you and i dont share the same taste…haram tu gay…most of my gays friends says u re soooo handsome.. boleh berkenalan kah? hehehhe…i read ur blog and was shocked by our classmate s fathers death..i havent heard from Eva since highschool…
August 27th, 2007 at 6:32 pm
Huh ? What fish ? Get the fish, marinate with some curry powder and kunyit aka tumeric powder with some garam. If rajin, go chinese shop buy cili, potong halus-halus and add to marination. Meantime kasi panas kuali as also masak nasi. Stil got some nasi bario from visiting friends 2 months ago. Andiamo aren! Come to Bergamo! while place still available.
August 27th, 2007 at 11:05 pm
nuthing wrong with getting married… we live, we go thru life, sumtimes all is well but sumtimes things jus get so messed up. mistakes we make we learn frm it, even better learn frm others mistake n avoid going down that same path. Godwilling all will be well… Fish? I love fish n chips, the cajun fish I had in Adelaide was dang delicious and I also like fishing, deep sea fishing. Wat Im trying to say is if u found the one then by all means hang on, cherish her, love her, take good care of her but Im sure u already kno that. If u do decide to get married, best wishes frm me always.
August 29th, 2007 at 12:22 pm
yep chani !! deciding on that.. but,like when? when will i see her? got to leave her oso somehow..if shes my trully soulmate? yeah,i ll marry her on first sight..cant go back twice the alergic to sea creatures..
September 11th, 2007 at 9:16 am
LOVE..I guess everybody starts by believing in love at 1st sight, that love is pure n it will last forever n ever. That is what written in a fairy tales..rite? I do belive that Everybody deserves to be loved n to love somebody at least once in their life time. For me, its like winning a lottery if your love to someone last a lifetime. N even you do love somebody…it takes more than love to make it work a lifetime.. responsiblities comes after when children come..then sacrifices after that..arguements..bla..bla. That is why some people prefer to be unmarried forever..some like me, took the lottery ticket n be married. Did I win the lottery…that only myself can answer.
But of course, life is short. Everybody ends the same advice, take a chance in love. What does not work our for you..will at least stays in memories.